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The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla

Who was Nikola Tesla:

Nikola Tesla was a Scientist, He was born on 10 July 1856 and died on 7th January 1943, as he matured he was interested in Engineering, for this, he joined a technical University in Graz Austria. He Launched a Laboratory for his practical work, and he starts lots of researches in this lab, Tesla starts his first Job in a Telegraphy company in 1880.


Throughout the career Tesla discovered and design for important inventions, Tesla receives fund for his Company in 1885, He is also the inventor of other technology like X-Rays Technology, Remote control technology, Radar Technology, he is also the Inventor of AC motors and Tesla coil, He also developed fantastic ideas for other different technologies.
Some of the Fantastic Invention of Nikola Tesla is Discussed in this Article.

Alternating Current :

In 1887 Tesla design the first AC motor and creat AC generation and transmission technology, Tesla is called the father of Alternating Current, AC is for residence and Business, DC is not converting to high or low voltage that’s why Tesla create a current which is easily converted to different voltage by using a transformer, Alternation current is more efficient as compared to Direct current. Nikola Tesla invents the Polyphase AC system of Generators, Motors, and Transformers.


Tesla Turbine :

 Tesla turbine is designed by Nikola Tesla in 1913, the main reason for designing Tesla turbine is to gain high efficiency, it consists of smooth disks and the disk edges is covered by layer of fluids, the fluids create energy to disks and its works more efficiently, the Tesla turbine can run on high-temperature gasses and shows more efficiency.

 Tesla Radio :

In 1892 Tesla developed a simple design for radio, later on in 1898 Tesla create a Radio controlled robot-boat, controlled by radio waves. It consists of an antenna that receives radio waves from the command, these waves were received by a device called coherer.

 Tesla Coil :

 Tesla coil is designed by Nikola Tesla in 1891, it is an electrical transformer used to create high voltage, high frequency, and low current, It can also be used for generating sound including music sound, Tesla coil circuit was also used for wireless telegraphy at that time and were also used in medical equipment like electrotherapy and violet ray devices, Tesla coil mainly designed to create wireless Lightning system transmission, Tesla coil now a day’s used in Radio transmitter Antenna’s.

The Induction motor :

 In 1887 Nikola Tesla innovate the induction motor with rotating magnetic fields, today it is used in power tools like a Heat gun, Grinders, Air compressor, and belt sander, etc.

Vacuum Variable Capacitor :

Nikola Tesla invents a vacuum variable capacitor in 1996, it is used to increase the quality of electrical components for holding the current of high frequency and potential, it was generally used for high voltage applications.

Wardenclyffe Tower :

It is also known as the Tesla Tower, it was invented by Nikola in 1901, it was a wireless transmission station through which Tesla use to convey messages, communications and to copy images. 


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