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All about Real Time Big Data Applications in Various Domains

Application of big data:

Big data has totally changed and restructured the business and organization work platform; they are using big data to increase efficiency and productivity. Big data is not the only rule over IT sectors, also on other industries as well.
Big data application has initiated innovative possibilities aspect of daily life. Big data is the only option for keeping updated and establish our self, it has made our life smooth and best as well.
Big data is referred to the huge amount of unstructured data with huge volume, fast velocity, and different variety. It is a way to solve all the problems related to data management and data handling. It contains both structure and unstructured data which are difficult to process.

Some of the big data applications are discussed here.

Big data in Education:

The education sector is facing a large amount of data related to students, faculty, courses, results, and many more and they need proper analysis of this data to improve operational effectiveness. Some universities are using big data to rebuild their academic schedule.
A new evolution in the grading system has been developed as a result of proper analysis of student data, this improves the overall result of students.
Analysis of data can help to understand the student progress, student interest, and student weakness.

Big data in Medication:

Medication is another sector which also generates a large amount of data; following are some ways in which big data contributed its role.
Big data reduce the cost of treatment because it removed the unnecessary diagnoses, it diagnoses diseases by detecting it in early stages.
After diagnosing and identifying evidence-based medicine is provided to the patient after the result and proper research.
Different sensors and wearable devices are introduced in the healthcare sector which can provide real-time feed and health record for a patient.

 Big data in the Government sector:

In every country, the government is creating a huge amount of data on a daily basis because they have to keep many records and database of their citizens regarding their growth, resources and other surveys, all this data is contributed to big data. By proper analysis and study of this data can help the government in many ways like in making a decision regarding political programs, similarly to identify the areas which need attention and many more citizen records.

Big data in the banking sector:

The amount of data in the banking sector is increasing rapidly every second, proper study and analysis of this data can help to prevent any illegal activities such as misuse of credit and debit card, business clarity, money laundering, and account tracing, etc.
In every bank, big data is used for cash collection and finance management and making the bank more efficient in every sector.

Big data in agriculture:

Big data play a great role in the agriculture sector to enhance the quality of firms, big data can automate the watering system and the farmers can get enough time to concentrate on more important factors.

Big data in digital marketing:

Digital marketing is a great way to make any business successful and the marketing trend for business have totally changed now, not only the big companies but also the small entrepreneurs can make advertisement campaigns on social media platforms to promote their products. Big data have made digital marketing more interesting and it becomes a necessary part of any business.

Big data in weather Pattern:

There are a number of satellites and sensors located around the globe from which a huge data is collected and then used for weather and environmental condition, this data is contributed to big data which is used for different purpose like weather forecasting, the study of global warming, study of natural disasters and to find the level of water.
Big data can also identify the future disaster the rate of temperature, water level, wind pressure, and more related factors.

 Big data in transportation:

Since the developing of big data, it has been used in many ways to make transportation easier and more efficient. Some way through which big data contribute to transportation is rout planning, Traffic control, and safety level of traffic.

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