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NASA Scientist says that the Aliens were already with us and we did not realize

From Aliens life, even his size is incomprehensible to humans

According to Silvano P. Colombano, a NASA scientist, he warned that the aliens have already visited the planet earth and humans did not even notice. The reason why nobody noticed the “super intelligent” aliens is because they are extremely small for the eye of the human race.
NASA scientist warned that the aliens have already visited the planet earth and humans did not even notice
photo credits: science news for students
The NASA scientist mentions that aliens may have visualized themselves differently from the carbon-based organisms that currently roam the entire planet earth.
And not only their appearance is different, says Silvano, they are also capable of interstellar travel and  could also have a technology that humans cannot even imagine, since their appearance and technology are so advanced that this is one reason why nobody noticed.
This research comes from the “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” (SETI) program where Dr. Colombano mentioned to those in California, at the alien intelligence decoding workshop , that it should be supported by SETI and scientists need to expand their idea of how they imagine an extraterrestrial.
“I simply want to point out the fact that the intelligence we could find and could choose to find us (if it has not already done so) but could not be produced at all by carbon-based organisms like us.” Dr. Colombano.
That is why Dr. Colombano asks scientists to “study again, even our most precious assumptions” about aliens, since it could be completely small and have more implications to be detected.
In turn, the NASA scientist said that scientists are focused on finding other signs of human technology and other planets. Since they might lose any sign of their existence.
“Considering more thoroughly that the technological development in our civilization began about 10 thousand years ago and has seen the emergence of scientific methodologies only in the last 500 years, we can assume that we could have a real problem in predicting technological evolution even for the next thousand years, not to mention 6 million times that amount .
As for radio bursts that are constantly updated, on the planet, it is said that they may be outdated and called for a “speculative physics” based on solid theories, in order to expand the nature of space-time.

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