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Uses of laptop in our daily life

Uses of laptop in our daily life are very important. In Everyday life, science is evaluated and challenged by humans daily. Like desktop computers, laptops are present in all areas of our lives. Companies, businesses, banks, schools, universities, and homes, in all these contexts the raw data are transformed into value and significant knowledge.
From Engineers to Doctors, Students, Teachers, businessman and government organization they all use it to perform specific tasks, for entertainment, online earnings, and office work. If the uses of laptop are for good purposes then it is a blessing for humans.
Photo Credit: digitaltrends.com
In this article, we cover the following topics in detail: a) History of Laptop b) Importance of Laptop in our daily life. c) Top Uses of Laptop in our daily life. d) Uses of Laptop for Students. e) Impact of a Laptop in our everyday life.


The laptop was invented in 1981 by Adam Osborne, a Thailand-born British-American computer designer. The first laptop was called “Osborne 1” and cost around $1800. The first laptop was a great success for “Osborne Computers” with sales reaching to 10,000 units in its first month.
After that different computer companies launched its laptop. IBM launched its first laptop “IBM 5155” in 1984 integrating of the Windows operating system from Microsoft. Compaq Computer launched its first laptop with advance VGA graphics in 1988. In 1989, NEC released “UltraLite” Laptop, weighing less than 5 lbs. It was precursor of today’s model.
Apple launched its first laptop in 1991, it was about the beginning of it, and by 1994, and laptops were commonly used and replaced business desktop computers. Wi-Fi in laptops appears in 1998-1999, and from there, laptop’s popularity exploded and facilitating the use and opening the way of laptops in business, education, and home uses.


If the uses of laptop are for good purposes then it is blessings for humans in different ways. Laptops have made our life easier with the passage of time. With greater quality and accuracy, less time taking laptops can do a lot in a short time while that task can take a lot of time if we do manually.
Here is some importance of laptops in our daily life:
  • The main advantage or importance of laptop is the reduction or miniaturization of electronic components.
  • Change from closed systems to network-oriented systems.
  • Transformation of proprietary software standards to open-source software.
  • The exacerbation of multimedia resources like Images, Videos, Voice messages
  • With the use of a laptop, we see great progress in transaction processing systems.
Not surprisingly, laptops are said to be the visible face of technological advancement. They are synonymous with global communication, entertainment, knowledge generation, and analysis data transformation.
Let’s continue with the uses of laptops in different everyday life fields.


Here we will discuss some important uses of laptop in our daily life in different fields.


The laptops are used in homes for many purposes.
 People use them to access their social networks, banking platforms, raise family budgets, make payments, find all kinds of information, store and edit audio-visual content and watch movies online on entertainment platforms such as Netflix and play video games.
The laptops are a quick and easy way to store information, data and multimedia content, upload and download information from the web, scan all types of content across different input devices.
Many people buy and download software and applications that make it easier to organize multiple household tasks, such as payment control, reminders, expense tracking.
This type of software helps people to control their finances more efficiently. Many types of software create graphics that show homeowners what they are spending money on.
Today even many people work remotely from home thanks to the laptop and the internet; they are a generation of remote workers or freelancers. Others are trained by receiving online classes.


Most companies record all their operational and accounting information on laptop.
It is not imaginable a level of global commercial operations today without the uses of computer technologies and the internet.
Laptops make it easy to store and maintain data, facilitate the location of files and valuable information.
There are innumerable tools and work software that facilitate administrative work and increase productivity such as spreadsheets, accounting and administrative systems, transaction processing and traceability systems.
Laptops used by companies have the ability to compute and summarize the information that is entered in reports, statements, and documents used for multiple purposes.
Companies of all sizes use a laptop to maintain databases. Databases are programs that organize valuable information such as customer contact information.
Companies also use laptops for marketing, market research, and sale for budgeting and business planning.

use of laptop for students/education   

As a young student, the need for laptops continues to change and grow: research, writing, reporting, benefits; Students do everything with computer support.
For decades we have virtual or distance education thanks to the laptop and the Internet, so millions of people in the world have reached degrees and technical skills in virtual mode.
credit: Prep Classroom Tech Talk

YouTube, Google Classroom, Google Books, Wikipedia, educational blogs, electronic books, electronic newsletters, infographics, and other educational tools are not possible without the laptop we use today. Students use the laptop during all stages of their educational cycle.
They use Microsoft Word to write their assignments, Microsoft Excel for their mathematical calculation, the visualization of figures through graphs, with the help of a laptop, students can also solve and learn various mathematical, financial and logical formulas. 


Laptop has widespread use in different areas of health, finance and government agencies.


In medicine, computers and laptops have a broad spectrum of disease detection. Ultrasound devices, MRIs and tomography are used for the detection and diagnosis of ailments for subsequent treatment.
Hospitals and doctors also use databases for their medical records, to process medical test analyses and follow up on treatments.

LAPTOPS IN BANKS                        

Banks use laptops and computers to record, accelerate and specify millions of customer transactions in their own agencies or anywhere in the world.
Banks use software and hardware technologies to decentralize the volumes of operations within their agencies, offer convenience and accessibility 24/7. Examples of these resources are ATMs, online banking and mobile phone banking.
Thanks to their central computers and servers, banks can support millions of daily interbank transactions with speed and accuracy.


Government efforts rely on information and communication technologies to respond quickly to thousands of citizen’s requests.
Laptops and online systems allow solving thousands of public procedures with high speed and precision.


Our daily life is fully impacted by the latest technologies like the internet and laptops. In today’s life, one cannot survive without technological advancement. A laptop and the internet change our daily habits. If the uses of laptop are for good purposes then it is a real blessing for mankind. Laptops simply changed our lives!

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