Artificial Intelligence and the Implications it poses.
We are in the middle of the revolutionary era of the Artificial intelligence and it’s slowly taking over the world and transforming the way societies are organized as most of the articles we read about the modern technology are on how it is making life easier, providing solutions to problems that we never could imagine of but in this article we are going to talk about the fact that how is AI impacting the human race or the world collectively and its loopholes.
Artificial intelligence is not only the cognitively
functioning robots but all forms of the online functions can be included in the
AI spectrum.
They are categorized into strong AI and weak AI.
Strong AI is the
AI system that consists of human cognitive thinking abilities
Weak AI is the
systems on our everyday smart devices that’s been developed and designed to
perform certain tasks like Cortana, Siri, Alexa.
- As we can see that it has made our life style easier with a click of a button we can accomplish many everyday tasks from home but at the same time it is affecting our life styles negatively as well and has made the human race lazier and dependent. We have stop thinking for ourselves and let the machines think for us, it poses a risk that after some time humans won’t be able to reproduce that how has a machine or an algorithm come to a specific conclusion because a machine has no mind of its own and no communication skills whatsoever, that makes them unable to express the complexity of their “thought process” and the decisions they make based on their algorithms. They cannot break it down for us and humans are going to lose their grip on understanding the algorithms themselves.
- Furthermore, AIs are not as perfect as we have been led to believe, they have other implications too, human biasness can lead them towards biasness as their algorithms are built by humans which in turn produce biased results like twitter chatbots and discriminatory recruitment algorithms that turned out to be on the racist side that is not helping with the racial discrimination but taking it further without any check on them because the humans think the machines to be perfect with no reason to believe that they can make mistakes.
- Its impacting the world economically too and affecting people’s jobs as we can say that people used to read magazines and newspaper but now just by giving a voice command to your phone you can have any news from any corner of the world and it has left the printing media behind and kind of out of business with it comes the loss of jobs
- Strong AI can be more dangerous in the long run as Stephen Hawking and Elon musk pointed out about advance Artificial Intelligence that they pose the risk of going out of control for example If an IA is responsible for the ensuring the operations of our power grid and if the system went rogue as the scientists are worried that there are probabilities of the AI systems going rogue or could be hacked then the results would be catastrophic.
- Another disadvantage of an AI system is that it invades your privacy the more dependent we become on the machines the more our life become open for everyone, with the advancement of technology it has now become possible to track and analyze a person’s every move online, cameras could be found almost everywhere and facial recognition algorithms can identify a person’s face, China credit system relies on that information that they are going to use to give personal score to its 1.4 billion citizens based on their behavior and if they follow rules or not in their everyday life, Big brother watches and makes decisions based on those observations or intel comes under breach of privacy or invasion of your personal space which can turn into social oppression very quickly if we were not careful.
- One of the drawbacks is Social manipulation, Social media through its autonomous-powered algorithms is very effective at target marketing. They know our likes and dislikes our preferences from a brand of biscuits to our political ideologies. Investigations about the Cambridge Analytica are still underway where its suspected that the data of 50 million facebook users has been used to sway the outcome of the 2016 presidential elections in the U.S and the United Kingdom’s Brexit referendum, it shows how powerful social media manipulation could be, AIs could be used for spreading propaganda and manipulate individual by using their information through algorithms and make them take decisions without them even realizing it.
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