Every day Science

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Pollution and Solution

 What is pollution?

Pollution is the effect of unpleasant changes in the environment that have harmful effects on humans, plants and animals, Pollution of all kinds have a bad and negative effect on the environment and on human health.

 Causes and Types of Pollution:

Pollution is usually caused by waste material that can disturb our ecosystem and environment, the growth of industries, the development in technology and the growth in the use of vehicles are the main reasons for pollution, pollution occurs in many forms such as Air, water, soil, noise, and heat. 
Following are the main types of Pollution:
  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Land pollution
  •   Noise  pollution

Air Pollution:

Air is the main source for pollution, dangerous gases like sulfur dioxide, carbon mono oxide, nitrogen, and other chemical vapors are released from industries and vehicles which can take part in the pollution of air, these dangerous gases produce smog and acid rain.
Air pollution has badly affected the ecosystem, air pollution creates a heart, lungs and respiratory diseases.

Water pollution:

Water is an essential element that can make life possible on this planet, without water life is impossible, Water pollution is caused by many sources, the main source is when the waste products of industries are dumped into water that causes the water pollution, water pollution also results in the death of aquatic animals like fishes and crabs, etc.
A large number of waste products in water can increase the number of bacteria which can cause many diseases.
Organic chemicals like gasoline, plastics, cleaning solvents and detergents are another cause of water pollution, which is harmful to aquatic and human health.


Soil pollution:

The main cause of soil pollution is human-made waste, industrial waste products, waste disposals, and acid rain, soil pollution has a direct effect on human health, affect on plant growth, decrease soil fertility and change in soil structure, soil pollution also has a direct effect on the quality and quantity of crops.
Soil is also polluted by industries by discharging wastewater into rivers and oceans.

 Noise pollution:

Noise pollution is generally, man-made pollution, heavy machines, and factories can cause noise pollution, household noises like TV Washing machine may also cause noise pollution.

Noise pollution has a direct effect on human health, it can damage the power of hearing, it can make sleeping disorders, and it leads to hypertension and communication problems.

Noise pollution disturbs the human activities that affect the standard of living, road traffic, construction and airports are also cause of noise pollution.

 Noise pollution also causes psychological effects such as anxiety and stress and lack of concentration and hence it may increase the rate of accidents, especially in factories and industries.

How to reduce pollution:

Reduction of pollution is a major global threat because pollution has harmful and unpleasant effects on human health and on the environment, everyone should participate in the prevention of pollution, we all should accept the responsibility for the cleaning of the environment.

Here are some solutions to pollution:
Every activity of every person has a direct effect on the environment either good neutral or bad.

Stop smoking and don’t throw the filter on the ground as cigarette filter is ecologically safe and contain a huge amount of toxic soluble chemicals.
 The filter of cigarette remains up to 25 years and creates leaking chemicals like acetone, benzene, lead and toluene into the environment.

Use hybrid cars and keep your car in good condition to avoid emissions.

In the industrial sector adjust and modify the production process that produces less waste products, uses less toxic chemical products as cleaners.

Avoids plastics and use eco-friendly products.

Using a dustbin is an effective way to reduce waste products which can keep our environment clean.

Planting trees is an easy way to reduce pollution, trees improve the quality of air and environment, the tree absorbs polluted gases and reduces the level of CO2 from the environment.

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