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3 tips on how to talk about corruption with your child!

Talk about corruption with your child, as well as about other issues that depress adult life – dishonesty, hypocrisy, inequality, etc. – is a difficult but necessary task.
As a family, we want children to become honest, respectful and understanding citizens. We want you to live life to the fullest. In that sense, teaching about corruption and its consequences early on is a good way to help them develop values ​​such as justice and empathy.
3 tips on how to talk about corruption with your child!
3 tips on how to talk about corruption with your child!
For some experts, the ideal is to wait for the child to express an interest in the subject. Generally, from the age of 7 or 8, children already have opinions or doubts about what they hear. Thus, it is possible to introduce the theme subtly and start more meaningful conversations.
Here are some tips on how to talk about corruption with your child. Keep reading!

Underdeveloped countries have been experiencing an intense period of political crisis in recent years and there is no escape from the issue. News and reports of corruption come in everywhere: on television, on the radio and on social networks. Therefore, rather than ignoring the problem, it is to use it as a pretext for inserting these complex themes into the family agenda.
Moments like these are interesting to start the conversation and help your child identify the differences between right and wrong. Children who are close to 10 years old can already assimilate much of what they experience and will probably remember those teachings in the future.
However, keep in mind: It is important to seek a positive lesson in all of this. Your child is becoming a citizen and the goal of addressing these issues to the child is to teach him to see value in politics, showing how to use it to positively impact the communities he will integrate.

In an unequal society, it is common to notice people accusing politicians, but committing small acts of corruption on a day-to-day basis. In the daily routine of children, these attitudes also occur, such as lying, cheating on tests, breaking the line of the snack, disrespecting teachers, etc.
Apparently trivial questions, if not corrected, can give the child the message that there are no limits or consequences to his actions, awakening the dangerous notion that everything is valid for his benefit. So explain why doing this is reprehensible at the first opportunity.

Just as important as talking about corruption with the child is to be the example of integrity in which he mirrors himself. Do not rely on the maxim “do as I say, do not do what I do” when it comes to talking about it. Act daily according to what you teach and show the child how to face the problem in practice.
Attitudes such as receiving a wrong change and returning the money, not parking in places for the elderly or disabled and not withholding taxes are daily examples for the small, who seek in their families a reference of how to act.
Talking about corruption with your child is an excellent way to educate and teach important values such as honesty, justice, empathy and tolerance. The earlier children and young people learn about difficult issues, the more likely they are to deal with these issues with integrity in adulthood.
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