Happy Children's Day! How to Support your Child's Mental Health
Happy Children's Day! The honest truth is that parenting is a challenging task.
Needless to say that positive parenting with a child’s mental health
development is even more challenging. With the right support and resources, it is perfectly possible to be a
good parent and manage your children mental health development. Keep Reading
and we tell you how to support your child’s mental health development.
Mental health in children affects the way they feel, think, and
act. Taking care of your child’s mental health is just as important as their physical
health. As a parent, you play an important role in your children’s mental
Why is children’s mental health so important?
Mental health problems affect 1 in 10 children and young
ones. The most common childhood mental health disorders are: Depression,
anxiety disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These
mental illnesses have lifelong impact on children and his/her family. The emotional
well-being of children is just as important as their physical health. Good
mental health allows them to develop self-esteem and grow into well-rounded healthy
Your child’s future calling you! All it wants you to invest
in their emotional well-being! Here are some tips on How to support your child’s
mental health. Be a role model by taking care of your kid’s mental health. Help
children and youth to develop their self-esteem, so they feel good about
How to support your child’s Mental Health:
- Love: Be there for your child and show care and love
- Friendly Environments: Create psychologically and physically safe and friendly environments
- Conversation: Encourage your child to engage in conversation
- Be Proud: Tell your child that you are proud of them
- Educate: Educate yourself about mental health program
- Patience: Be patient, don’t pressure your child
- Behaviour: Keep an eye out of any in Behaviour
- Exercise: Encourage play, exercise, and sport
- Support: Regularly support, encourage and praise your child
- Problem Solving: Help your child to effectively problem solve
- Help: Don’t be afraid to seek help from professional
- Feeling: Get to know how your child is feeling
- Rest Time: Help your child to manage stress by building in some rest time
- Environment: Provide a positive environment for your child where they can thrive
- Symptoms: Be aware of the signs and symptoms of child’s physical and mental diseases
- Listen: Make sure you take time to listen to what your child has to say
- Surround them with healthy adults
- Teach them how to be safe
- Be Present for him/her
- Have Scheduled family time
- Spend time with your child on a meaningful hobby
- Limit electronic time for everyone
- Respond calmly when their emotions are elevated
- Reach out and hug them
- Model Forgiveness
- Use open-ended questions
- Use Positive language
- Practice relaxation exercises together
- Actively listen before offering your advice
- Share your feelings and validate theirs
- View their behaviour as a window to their needs and feeling
- Tell the truth and teach him/her do not lie
- Model healthy behavior
- Be consistent and follow through with what you promise
- Recognize positive choices
- Set and respect boundaries
Good mental health development is very important to overall
health in every child. When you strengthen and manage your child’s mental
health and developed their self-esteem, you are not only positively affecting
how your child thinks, feels, and behaves, but also you are increasing their
chances of success in school, and in life with peers.
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