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Sleep Paralysis

 What is Sleep Paralysis?

Sleep paralysis is generally a type of parasomnia or maybe Sleep disturbance, it occurs when you are sleeping or even awake from sleeping. Sleep paralysis occurs when you cannot move o speak as you falling to sleep or wake from sleep.

Sleep paralysis is not harmed to physical health, most of the peoples are afraid of it because they don't know what is happening to them and in a couple of seconds they continue to normal position. 

Sleep paralysis happens basically two times, one is when you are falling to sleep, it’s called predormital sleep paralysis and when it happens after waking up it’s called postdormital sleep paralysis.

During sleep, our body passes through two stages of sleep the one is NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) and the other is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) . In the first stage of sleep (NREM) our body relaxed and restore itself, NREM stage takes 75% of our sleep while completing the first stage the NREM change to REM which duration is last 30 to 90 minutes of our sleep, during this stage our eyes move quickly and the dreams occur but the body remains.

Our muscles are temporary paralyze during the REM stage, when you awake before finishing of REM stage you may notice that you cannot speak and move because your brain is active and the rest of the body remained relaxed and in sleep mood, as a result, you cannot move and speak.

Causes of Sleep Paralysis:

One of the most common and main cause of sleep paralysis is lack of sleep and sleep disturbance, change in the schedule of sleep and sleeping on the backside is also the cause of sleep paralysis.
Sleep paralysis also happen during medical conditions like migraine, mental and psychological problems.

Depression, anxiety and eating disorder is also caused sleep paralysis.
Other causes of sleep paralysis may include:
Ø  Taking medicine continuously
Ø  Stress
Ø  Taking drugs and alcohol
Ø  Panic disorder
Ø  Insomnia

Treatment of sleep paralysis:

Sleep paralysis is not generally a medical problem therefore no medical treatment is necessary for the treatment of sleep paralysis.

 Here are some tips which can help to prevent sleep Paralysis:

Ø  Improve your sleeping habit; try to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
Ø  Avoid drinking alcohol and other caffeinated drinks before bedtime.
Ø  Don’t sleep on your backside.
Ø  Take exercise regularly.
Ø   Do not eat a heavy meal before going to bed.


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