30 Most Awesome Psychological Facts
Best Psychological Facts That You Never Know About People
Learning something new
about yourself or other peoples is always interesting and entertaining. And
understanding the psychology behind the way treats others, behavior, and
express ourselves can be even more interesting.
Today, here at
Everyday Science Blogspot, we have a collection of the most surprising
psychology facts that can help you better understand yourself and other peoples.
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Credits: futurelearn.com |
30 AwesomePsychological Facts
1. The way a person treats restaurant staff reveals a lot about their character.
2. Listening to high-freq music makes you feel happy, relaxed, and calm.
3. If you can’t stop thinking at night, get up and write them down. This will relieve your mind so you can sleep.
4. According to Psychology, doing things that scares you will make you happy.
5. The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours, 15 minutes and 30 seconds.
6. The happier you are, the less sleep you require.
7. When you hold the hands of a loved one, we feel worry less and painless.
8. Women who have mostly male friends stay in mood more often.
9. Being alone for a long time is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
10. Our emotion doesn’t affect the way we communicate with others.
11. When offered a new pen to write something, 97% of people write their own name.
12. If a person laughs at unfunny jokes, he/she is alone deep inside.
13. Pretending not to care is the habit of someone who does care the most.
14. Psychologists suggest that write down all negative thoughts and throw them in thrash, it will improve your mood.
15. 90% of time people with messy hand writing are more creative than average.
16. Did you know? 7 positive comments neutralize 1 negative comment.
17. Dreams are the conversation between you and your subconscious mind.
18. The way parents talk to their children becomes child’s inner voice.
19. Doctors recommend having an orange before going to work because eating an orange reduces stress level.
20. According to Psychologists, the first impression is always made in first 7 seconds.
21. Researchers have found that falling in love have similar chemical effects as getting high on hard drug like cocaine.
22. Optimistic mindset about the future can protect you from physical and mental illness.
23. Volunteers worker are significantly more satisfied with their lives than non-volunteers.
24. Seeing peoples positively reveals our positive trails, seeing others negativity reveals our negative trails.
25. According to Psychology, we tend to ignore those who adore us and pay more attention to those who ignore us.
26. According to research, phobias and fears may be memories passed down through generations in our DNA.
27. Depression is direct result of overthinking. The mind tends to create problems that don’t even exist.
28. Smart people underestimate themselves and ignorant people think they’re brilliant.
29. People are more likely to cry at night because lack of sleep makes emotion hard to control.
30. And lastly, sharing the article with others will make both of us happy.
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