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Whatsapp new features to be expected in 2020

WhatsApp is working on its new features that could be very useful for users. Here are some best WhatsApp new features to be expected in 2020.
WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging application today, so the platform must use great efforts to innovate and provide new functions that meet the needs of users.
Photo Credits| ResearchGate

By having to add tools and functions that improve communication between users, WhatsApp has been forced to abandon old operating systems; to focus on newer support that can improve the interaction more and more.


Therefore, and to start the year well, we show you some of the functions that WhatsApp could implement in 2020.


The dark mode has become one of the most requested and expected functions by users since it avoids visual fatigue and looks more aesthetic; However, although many platforms have already implemented it, WhatsApp does not take that step yet, but it could be about to do so. Thanks to the filtrations of the betas, we know what steps to follow to activate it from the moment it is available.


The option to send messages that self-delete in WhatsApp could be very close. In fact, this function has come late, since many other platforms already have that tool, for example, Telegram.
This function seeks to take care of users’ privacy by allowing them to send messages that are only available for a few seconds and then be deleted on their own. You can choose from the shortest time that would be five seconds, up to an hour.


Since WhatsApp opened the possibility of sending stickers, users have taken full advantage and exploited the tool. There are even many applications with which you can create stamps so that communication in WhatsApp is much more dynamic and fun.
Now, it has been said that the instant messaging application would be working on the arrival of stickers with movement. It is very likely that we can soon enjoy this function in 2020.


Whatsapp has been free since it came out. However, there has been much talk about the possibility of the instant messaging application adding advertising as a method to start monetizing.
This new function seeks to bring users closer to companies to have more direct and personalized links. Initially, the ads could appear in the states, but the app would be working in a different format for conversations.


WhatsApp wants to become a platform where users can do everything. We can now play YouTube videos without having to leave the app, as well as watching trailers or previews of Netflix. However, in 2020, the app would allow any shared link to be displayed without having to open pop-ups.

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