10 Best Movie Characters of all times
1. Indiana Jones
Played by: Harrison Ford
Indiana Jones has the square-jawed matinee idol look that make him perfect for those Drew Struzan posters, He pairs believable academic smarts with athletic prowess makes him look as convincing in a museum as he is being dragged behind a moving vehicle. Despite all of his heroic qualities, he is still a normal human being with no super powers. He bruises, bleeds, and there’s even an argument that he doesn’t actually influence the plot of Raiders as much as survive it. He has issues with his father and relationship troubles. Thanks to Ford, he is a human being as well as an icon.
Part of Indy’s ageless appeal also comes from the fact that Ford plays him as an archetype without trying too hard and no one has really been able to fill his shoes.
2. James Bond
Played by: Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig.
James bond from Sean connery to Daniel craig is an iconic character played by the best to actors bringing fiction to life with their alluring and charming personalities and dialogue deliveries combined with the best of acting.
3. Han Solo
Played by: Harrison Ford
A lot of love that Han solo’s Character gets is because of Harrison ford’s performance. He is the kind of charming actor that kills his wife and blames it on a nameless amputee and the audience still loves him for his personality and performance.
4. Batman
Played by: Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale.
Despite being a superhero batman does not have any super natural powers which makes him stand out in the superheroes’ league and another reason that lets him be the all-time super hero and a character is that you never have to wonder if you are standing on the right side or wrong, He is a vigilante of always being on the side of justice.
5. Ellen Ripley
Ripley is not a side kick eye candy or damsel to be rescued neither is she your everyday hot kickass woman in tights and leather doing impossible things like other science fiction female characters, Ripley is more closer to reality, she is pushy, aggressive, rude suffering from PTSD with no makeup on, tired and smart with maternal instincts, determined to save others at great cost to herself without being an unrealistic killing bot.
6. Joker
Played by: Cesar Romero, Mark Hamil, Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, Jared Leto
Joker is a very unpredictable character with a brilliant mind able to use multiple plans to get the job done, he has a mysterious background without any story to it that makes him more compelling to the audience to know the inner working of his mind along with all these qualities and being batman’s nemeses makes him stand out in the rest of the villains as well.
7. John Mcllane
Played by: Bruce Willis in Die hard.
John Mcclane is an arrogant, stubborn and a tough guy, John is one of the most formidable enemies in the world, he does not resist from making jibes at the enemy in impossible situations. He has a contrasting personality despite him being a selfish and self-involved person he does not shy away from risking his life to protect innocent people while all the time he is saving them you will find him cursing and yelling these personality traits make his character alluring to the audience.
8. Tyler Durden
Played by: Brad Pitt.
Tlyer Durden is a normal man’s fantasy he is everything that a normal 9 to 5 man isn’t, He is impulsive, not caged by the everyday routine.
While the narrator is living a life that he hasn’t chosen for himself his alter ego is living a life that he has, Tlyer’s character goes against the norms of the society that makes him appealing to everyone that wants to live a care free life but can’t because of social norms.
9. Darth Vader
Played by: David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Sebastian Shaw, Hayden Christensen.
Darth Vader has a unique presence, his height and stature, the helmet and commanding voice and leadership skills, Along with everything he had and had done, you could still see his soft side after he met his son that makes him a tragic figure and let the audience sympathize with him.
10. The Dude
Played by: Jeff Bridges in the Great Lebowski
The lasting popularity of The Great Lebowski or The dude was unexpected but the movie has generated the cult of its own it has aged like a fine wine, kind of overlooked at the start
The Dude has a charming reliability and goes against most of what stands for normality, but does so in a very laid back and persuasive His laziness, his profanity, his rejection of responsibility and his general carelessness are familiar, The followers of the film finds traces of him in themselves.
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