Every day Science

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Outbreak of New Coronavirus in China

China is facing an outbreak of Coronavirus- a cousin of SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and has claimed nine lives so far. The health authorities fear that the casualties can increase and that the virus can even spread to other countries and continents. According to Leo Poon, the scientist who first decoded the virus, believes that coronavirus started in animals and then spread to humans.

Corona Virus Image credits: CNN 

The World Health Organization has offered guidance to countries on how to treat patients and monitor the infected people. Here is all you need to know about Coronavirus;

1: What is Coronavirus: 

                 Coronavirus are a group of viruses which are common in animals and in rare cases can be transmitted to humans. Coronavirus that are transmitted to humans are called Zoonotic by scientists.

2: Symptoms of Coronavirus: 

                 Coronavirus cause difficulty in breath;similar to that in common cold. The symptoms also include running nose, cough and fever which could last for a couple of days. For those with a weak immune system- the elders and kids- Coronavirus can be much deadly.

3: How It Spreads:

                 Coronavirus spreads typically with animal contact. Scientists think that for other coronavirus like MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome) and SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), camels and civet cats are to blame.

4: Possible Treatment:

                 Currently there is no permanent treatment for coronavirus. Doctors often prescribe typical pain killers and cold medication. Most of the time, the symptoms might just go away on their own. But better see a doctor if the symptoms remain for more time than a common cold.

5: Prevention From Coronavirus:

                 There are no vaccines available yet that could possibly provide protection against coronavirus. One can possibly reduce risk by avoiding sick people. Wash your hands regularly with soap. Stay home if you are sick. Take a hot bath and remain in a warm blanket.

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