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Digital Nomads in the Digital Age

Digital nomads are growing in numbers and due to its attractive outlook, this lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. People traveling to different places, working on their laptops while sitting in beautiful sceneries and enjoying more freedom regarding their work hours... sounds fancy, No?

But what is this lifestyle? Why is it so popular and how can one become a digital nomad to travel the world without compromising work?

Here is a brief glimpse into the life of digital nomads, reasons for its popularity, and how can someone become a digital nomad.

Life of Digital Nomads:

Imagine traveling around different countries, experiencing different cultures and spending evenings on a beach. Sounds like a vacation, right? For Digital Nomads, life is a full-time vacation. Any place can serve as a workplace for them. All they need is a laptop and a stable internet connection to set up their office. Some of them have permanent employers who are okay with their remote work while others do small gigs on a short basis to earn a living.

These remote jobs allow them more freedom to manage their work hours and travel the world while getting paid at the same time.

Reasons For Popularity:

1: The greater availability and improvement of the internet all around the world

2: Acceptance of remote workers by companies

3: Availability of different online freelance markets

4: Services likes Airbnb and Couchsurfing, through which digital nomads can find affordable or free

5: Emergence of coworking spaces all around the globe

How to become a digital nomad:

This nomadic lifestyle seems impossible to many, I understand. But guess what? There are millions of Digital Nomads all around the globe. Some will be sitting in a coworking space right now, sipping coconut juice in Thailand or maybe riding a tuk-tuk in India to go for their weekly yoga session.

If you really want to live like a digital nomad, you can try the following remote jobs;

1: Content Writing:

Content writing is a major industry and every company, if it has a website, needs people to write for their websites. If you are good at writing, you can find a lot of work on different freelancing websites like Fiverr, Upwork and Freelancer etc

2: Social Media Management:

Companies, big and small, need a presence on social networking sites. They hire people who can manage their accounts on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Most of the big companies have their own Social Media team but you can always find freelance jobs for social media management with small companies or startups to help them grow.

3: Graphics Designing:

If you are good at drawing and designing, maybe it is the time to adopt it as a career. Share your work on social media and you might find work on commission or a fully remote job.

4: Blogging:

Are you good at writing but don't want to write for someone else? A big number of Digital Nomads earn their money from blogging. It could be a travel blog, a food blog or a blog dedicated to book reviews. It all depends on what you like and would be able to write about.

5: Online Tuitions:

Online tuitions have become a thing lately, thanks to the digital age. So if you are good at any particular subject or language, you can find many students on different online platforms who will be willing to pay you for online tuitions.

Things To Consider Before Backpacking:

All this sounds very interesting and soothing but there is more to it. Many people have failed when they tried to adopt the lifestyle of a digital nomad. That is why one needs to put thought into certain aspects of this lifestyle.

Here are a few important things one should consider before backpacking;

1: There should always be something to generate income from.

2: Digital Nomads have to cope up with loneliness due to the nature of their work and the form of traveling. So if you are someone who does not like adventures, maybe this lifestyle is not for you.

3: One should have enough funds to sustain their lifestyle because the early phase of this lifestyle is mostly tight in terms of money.

4: A proper research will definitely help you explore new avenues for finding remote work and better destinations for Digital Nomads.           

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