Every day Science

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The New Space Race

Different countries and companies are competing to develop the new space technologies and challenging each other in the new space race. The United States and France have even launched their own space force as a branch of the army and the big tech giants are trying to attract potential customers for space tourism.

But why is space so important to countries and billionaires? What is the big prize for it and why should a common man care about what is happening up there?

The race for space is not novel. Countries- especially The United States and the former Soviet Union- have fought over space dominance for decades but it is the big private companies that are really heating up the race.

The First Space Race: 

During the cold war, which apparently started with the end of WW2, both the USA and Soviet Union were caught in the space race. Both sides wanted to develop bigger and better rocket technology to use in a potential nuclear war and to keep each other in check. The Soviet Union took the lead and took the first satellite and man in space, respectively in 1957 and 1961. But in 1969, NASA put a man on the moon and has been dominating space technology ever since.

During the later decades, more countries started trying to start and expand their space programs. China has recently landed a spacecraft to the far side of the moon. India is another country that is pouring a lot of money into its space program and making good progress.

First Space Race! Photo Credits: History.com

Private Companies and Space Tourism: 

Space Tourism is becoming a thing lately. The Tech Giants have invested a big chunk of money to make space tourism a reality. Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic, and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin are among the most ambitious business giants that aim for a breakthrough in space tourism.

Virgin Galactic is the first publicly-traded company of its kind. It has also opened a spaceport in New Mexico where the potential tourist will board the spaceplane to earth’s sub orbit after paying USD 250,000. Elon Musk’s SpaceX has already built the world’s first reusable rocket. He also has plans to start construction on Mars in 30 years' time. Ambitious, right? But Big ideas can become real, really quickly.

                                                             Video Credits: The Verge

Apart from tourism, these companies aim to make big profits out of mining in space. USA and Luxembourg have even drafted laws to allow private companies to keep what they mine on Mars, Moon or anywhere else.

NASA believes there are an estimated 800,000 asteroids in the solar system that contain valuable materials like Gold, Iron, and Platinum. One such asteroid called 16 Psyche estimated to have USD 700 quintillion (700,000,000,000,000,000,000) of valuable material. Who knows if these companies could claim one of these asteroids?

Why Should We Care? 

Technology always has an impact on the lives of people. The companies and governments always say that they are putting science first. Space exploration will definitely push the boundaries of human technology and will also open new avenues for development. It could also help us bring answers to life’s big questions.
Luckily, the new space race is open and has room for everybody. Hopefully, everybody, including science, wins. 

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