Pros and Cons of Electric Cars
Electric vehicle:
Electric vehicles have a rechargeable battery instead of a patrol tank and an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. The electric motors gets powered by the energy stored in its rechargeable batteries, the batteries are recharged by the common household electricity.
Here you will read about, Electric vehicles technology, Types of Electric vehicles, Pros and Cons of Electric cars
Types of Electric vehicle:
There are three types of electric vehicles.
Categorized by the degree of their electricity consumption as an energy source
· BEVs -Battery electric vehicles
· PHEVs -Plug in hybrid electric vehicles
· HEVs -Hybrid electric vehicles
Categorized by the degree of their electricity consumption as an energy source
· BEVs -Battery electric vehicles
· PHEVs -Plug in hybrid electric vehicles
· HEVs -Hybrid electric vehicles
Types of EV –Electric vehicle charging stations:
· Rabid
· Fast
· Slow
These represent the power outputs
and charging speeds available to charge an EV.
Its power is measured in
Kilowatts –KW
Rapid chargers: AC or DC
Fully electric vehicles.
They are only powered by electricity and has no
petrol engine
Fuel tank or exhaust pipe
Also known as Plug in EVs
Uses an external electrical charging outlet to
charge the battery
Plug- in Hybrid electric vehicle
Battery can be recharged by plugging into an
external source of electric power
Can be recharged by its on-board engine and
generator as well.
Hybrid electric vehicle
Runs on a combustion engine
Electric motor
Or on a combination of both.
HEVs are not plugged in to charge
Because it’s both electricity and petroleum
A good option for long distance drives
Pros and Cons of Electric vehicles:
Electric vehicles are Environment
friendly, They don’t have an exhaust system which results in zero emissions,
since the gas powered vehicles are one of the biggest contributors to
greenhouse build up in earth’s atmosphere, making a switch from the gas powered
vehicles to an electric one will help us reduce air pollution and will be a
step towards a healthier planet
is cheaper than gasoline
Electric vehicles are easier on
your pockets, an average cost of gas powered vehicles is 15 cents per mile in
America while many EVs run at the one third of that cost, given that
electricity is significantly less expensive than gasoline and if you install
solar panels on your home you can save even more money on powering both your
residence and you EV.
As Electric cars don’t run on oil
they don’t need to be maintained more often
No frequent oil changes or any
other maintenance related to combustion engines, another advantage of an EV is
the brakes on them don’t wear as quickly as those on a conventional car, which
means even more savings for you.
noise pollution
They are a big change from the
conventional car’s noise, switching from Conventional cars to EVs will be a big
impact on reducing noise pollution and a healthier way of life for an average
human being’s busy mind. In fact they are so quiet that many legislators in the
U.S have proposed an installation of a noise making device to alert pedestrians
of their proximity.
Safe to
In case of an
accident, one can expect air bags to open up and electricity supply to be cut
from the battery automatically, that can prevent passengers from serious
credit privileges
If you are the owner of an electric car, you will
likely receive a tax credit just for helping to make an impact on the
environment by driving a zero emissions car.
driving range
Electric cars are limited by speed and speed. Most of
electric cars have a range about 50-100 miles and need to be recharged again.
They are not suitable for long journeys.
takes time
An electric car takes about 4-6
hours to get fully recharged and you need specifically dedicated power stations
as the time taken to recharge them is quite long
suitable for cities with power shortage
Electric cars need power to
charge up, cities already facing acute power shortage are not suitable for
electric vehicles; the consumption of more power would hamper their daily power
because of its expensive technology
The most affordable of the
electric car models start in $30,000 to $40,000 range, while the luxury models
are goes from $80,000 and upwards, until technology advances and becomes less
expensive to produce, consumers can expect to pay between $10,000 and $50,000
more for an EV.
stations not available everywhere
Charging stations are hard to
find outside of areas where electric vehicles are frequently used that hinders
long journeys outside of main cities.
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