Every day Science

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How to Relieve Stress: 101 Best Ways to Reduce Stress

101 scientifically proven tips on how to relieve stress. These are the best ways to reduce and manage your stress and depression level.

Nothing can ruin your day as much as stress. Stress influences your decisions, your determination, mental clarity and physical and emotional health. To the extent that you can banish him, both from your work and from your private life, you will be more efficient and productive.


Breathe, reassure yourself, because we will share with you a powerful list with 101 ways to “de-stress”. The list, developed by Californian professor Brett Phillips, a master of psychology, has revolved around the world and is an excellent opportunity for you to pick some items and get out of this destructive cycle. In US, the teacher also gives this list to the students, who were asked to choose at least five items to adopt immediately.
Want to relieve stress? Follow these best ways to reduce and control your stress and depression.

101 Tips on how to relieve stress:

  1. Wake up 15 minutes early
  2. Prepare the next morning the night before
  3. Avoid tight clothing
  4. Avoid chemical dependency
  5. Set up your next appointments in advance
  6. Do not trust your memory … write it down
  7. Practice preventive maintenance
  8. Make copies of the keys
  9. Say “no” more often
  10. Set priorities in life
  11. Avoid negative people
  12. Use time wisely
  13. Simplify meal times
  14. Keep copies of important documents at all times
  15. Anticipate your needs
  16. Fix everything that does not work right
  17. Ask for help for the things you do not like to do
  18. Divide large tasks into smaller goals
  19. Face problems as challenges
  20. Look at challenges differently
  21. Organize your life
  22. Smile
  23. Be prepared for rain
  24. Tickle a baby
  25. Pet a dog / friendly cat
  26. Do not know the answers to everything
  27. See the good side
  28. Say something good to someone
  29. Teach a child to fly a kite
  30. Walk in the rain
  31. Make time to have fun every day
  32. Take a shower of foam
  33. Be aware of your decisions
  34. Believe in yourself
  35. Stop saying negative things to yourself
  36. Visualize your victory
  37. Work your sense of humor
  38. Don’t stop thinking that tomorrow will be a better “day”
  39. Define your personal goals
  40. Dance something excited
  41. Say “Hello” to a stranger
  42. Ask for a hug to a friend
  43. Look at the stars
  44. Breathe slowly
  45. Learn to whistle a song
  46. ​​Read a poem
  47. Listen to a symphony
  48. Watch a ballet
  49. Read a book curled up in bed
  50. Do something new
  51. Stop a bad habit
  52. Buy a flower for yourself
  53. Take time to smell the flowers
  54. Ask for help
  55. Ask someone to be your friend’s shoulder
  56. Do it today
  57. Try to be excited and optimistic
  58. Put safety first
  59. Do everything moderately
  60. Pay attention to your appearance
  61. Look for excellence, not perfection
  62. Increase your limits a little each day
  63. Admire a work of art
  64. Sing a song
  65. Control your weight
  66. Plant a tree
  67. Feed the birds
  68. Be graceful under pressure
  69. Stand up and stretch
  70. Always have a plan B
  71. Learn to draw something new
  72. Memorize a joke
  73. Be responsible for your feelings
  74. Learn to take care of one’s needs
  75. Become a better listener
  76. Know your limits and let others know you too
  77. Wish someone good morning
  78. Shoot a paper airplane
  79. Do exercises every day
  80. Learn the lyrics of a new song
  81. Get to work early
  82. Clean your closet
  83. Play with a child
  84. Have a picnic
  85. Make a different path to work
  86. Leave early work (with permission)
  87. Put an air purifier on car
  88. Watch a movie with popcorn
  89. Write something for a friend who lives far
  90. Go to a football game and cheer
  91. Cook a meal and eat by candlelight
  92. Acknowledge the importance of unconditional love
  93. Remember that stress is an attitude
  94. Have a diary
  95. Make a face
  96. Remember that you always have options
  97. Have a support network of people, things and places
  98. Give up trying to change the other
  99. Get enough sleep
  100. Talk less and listen more
  101. Praise others freely
To conclude, he even gave a bonus tip: “Relax, live each day at a time … You have the rest of your life to live”. Shall we begin our transformation today? Let’s go together!

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