Every day Science

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Solution of Social Problems through Use of Sociological Knowledge

This article discusses the solution of social problems, importance of sociology and use of sociological knowledge in solving various everyday social problems. It states how the findings of research can be made useful in implementing various programs for betterment of the society. It also highlights that how sociologists can help people to realize and acknowledge the problems in society which are disturbing the social order and has negative impacts on lives of individuals.

Technological Advancements and Social Problems 

Modern society is extremely perturbing. Industrialization and modernization has made life more complex and number of social problems has also been increased with time. A social problem is a disturbance/ dysfunction in the society and a problem only becomes a social problem when people consider it as a problem which is harmful for the whole society and requires social interventions. Social problems like crime, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment, overpopulation, inequality, racism etc have been increased in number.

Subject-matter of Sociology 

There is always a cause behind a problem. In-order to solve a social problem, it is really important to have a deeper understanding of the structures that give rise to those problems. The subject matter of sociology is to reveal the unknown, to expose what is there behind the bigger picture. Sociologists answers that why something happens and how it can be solved? A sociologists studies both i.e. the one creating the problem and the one being affected. In a nutshell, sociology not only find causes but also highlights the consequences of a phenomena e.g. If a sociologist is interested in studying the socio-cultural factors responsible for increase in number of mental health patients then he/ she may reveal through research findings that one of the biggest cause is unemployment due to which youth suffers from depression and anxiety. Such a research would show the cause of the problem as well as would suggest what can be done to work on the issue of mental health problems. The governments as a response may start a program which would provide job opportunities to youth and the problem after that may decline.

Raising Consciousness and Awareness in Public 

C Wright mills has given a concept of “sociological imagination” and this concept helps to understand that personal problems become social problems when are viewed to be caused by social forces. Sociologists through research reveal underlying causes of a problem which are not mostly personal but also social in nature. Thus raising an awareness among the masses that the problems that they think are individualistic in nature are collective problems that is affecting most of the people in society. Let’s take the same example of mental health problem. We think that depression and anxiety are due to personal problems but that’s not the case. Poverty and unemployment may be the reason why youth is suffering from such problems or may be isolation caused by excessive use of social media causes depression etc. So it means that the same problem is affecting majority and it is because of social causes.

Use of Sociological Research in Social Policy 

Sociological research is of two types i.e. basic and applied research. Basic research expands our knowledge about a problem while applied research is getting knowledge for evaluating a program or a policy and studying how effective is it and what can be done to make it more effective. Applied research is more practical in nature. A social policy is enactment of a course of action through a program or a formal law but for that the first step should be identification of a problem and also studying urgency of a problem that which problem should be solved first and which problem needs more attention. Sociologists aim at identifying social problems, their underlying causes and consequences. So they can aid in effective policy making. A solution to a problem can only be find out once the issue is known and once one has enough knowledge about that problem.

Empowering People Sociologists work at community level also to mobilize and empower the vulnerable people and make them realize their potential that they have the ability to improve their conditions and giving them a ray of hope. If communities become better, then societies will also move in direction of development.


Sociologists work for betterment of society. They give solutions to solve and eradicate social problems. Solutions to a social problem can be strengthening for the society.  They also make people realize how an issue not only affects them but the whole society. Sociologists aid the social institutions to create effective solutions for various issues. They find origin of problems thus making the task of finding solutions easier for government. In a nutshell, one can see the importance of this field through knowing how the research findings can be used to devise solutions and to improve conditions of society.

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1 comment:

  1. Agreed. The knowledge that one gains from sociology is very useful and can help in eradicating social issues.
